What is this website for?
Wish I could say there's a specific reason I'm going through the effort of coding this webpage, but I'm just interested in HTML and CSS. Since I have the site though I like to use it for the other things I do like draw, and hit the keys on my midi keyboard until something comes out that sounds like music.
Hello! I wanted to add this update to confirm I still am active on Neocities. As it currently stands, I'm working on Uternal Nightmare 3.0! This is a complete redesign of the site from the ground up. I'll hopefully be adding many new features and projects of mine.
FINALLY added misc. Page. All that's there now is an unfinished comic, but as I make and complete projects I'll add more there.
Added animation to divs to make them float, a glow effect, and created a button for my website. Hopefully more buttons will end up being added in that section with it as time goes on.
Happy August people! Today I offer you one small edit on my about me page. Tomorrow? Who knows (probably nothing)
Fixed up site so hopefully it now works on mobile. Also happy 1st bday to the site! I missed it by a few days but that's alright
Redid website in css grid + new blinkie
Added updates section